
Coronavirus in China: Here’s how China misled the world on coronavirus

ctadmin 4 years ago 0 227

Washington DC [USA], Mar 27 : The coronavirus or COVID-19 has brought life to a
near standstill in almost every part of the world. The virus, which has originated in
central China’s Hubei Province has claimed more than 20,000 lives so far and continues
to adversely affect more than 150 countries globally.
However, the impact could be lowered had China been more transparent about the virus
outbreak in the beginning.
The first case of COVID-19 was reported from Hubei’s Wuhan city in December last year
and has affected half a million people till now. With 10,000 deaths in Europe alone, it has
now become an epicentre of the deadly virus.
An article in American magazine ‘National Review’ highlights how China withheld
information that proved detrimental against the COVID-19 fight. The coronavirus that
jumps from an animal species to a human being probably began at the Chinese ‘wet

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